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Foreign Affairs


The Foreign Affairs office is currently managed by H.M. Arikinui Manukau, in accordance with Customary lore and International Law. Foreign Affairs Office is seeking new relations with other Nations worldwide.


Immigration applications will be managed through the Foreign Affairs Office until such times as the States systems are all operating and in place in Aotearoa. 



Wha-Atua Maori Govt Current Status & Foreign Recognitions since 1835


PUBLIC NOTICE DECREE:  The Independent Sovereign Maori Indigenous Nation of Aotearoa and the Wha Atua Government of Aotearoa are an Independent Sovereign Nation, and NOT, … under or part-of the Colonial Government of New Zealand and The Crown/United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland or its laws, pursuant to Maori Law and International Law.


The Independent Sovereign Maori Indigenous Nation of Aotearoa and the Wha-Atua Government of Aotearoa Sovereign Powers, Authority and Laws originate from Article 2 of the 1835 Declaration of Independence signed on 28th October 1835 by 34 Maori Chiefs pursuant to International Law.


The 1835 Declaration of Independence was signed and recognized by James Busby Consular for United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, James Clendon Consular for U.S.A., Secretary of Colonies Governor Burke for the New South Wales Government of Australia. The Dutch Government’s East India Company representative, Henry Williams, George Clark, Gilbert Mair et al. A ships register of 300 ships were trading under the Maori Flag with all nations and European immigrants started arriving.


On February 6th 1840, the Sovereign Chiefs and some 500 chiefs sign an immigration Maori text Tiriti of Waitangi that allow the Colonial Government to appoint a Governor for the 2000 British settles already living in Aotearoa and to co-exist with Sovereign Chiefs and individual tribal governments.


Since the 1980s-2020, the Independent Sovereign Maori Indigenous Nation of Aotearoa and the Wha Atua Government of Aotearoa, started signing diplomatic Treaties with various Sovereign Nations:


          -             Vanuatu Government & Council of Chiefs 1996

          -             Sign Treaty with all Pacific Nations 1998

          -             Signed Treaty with Knights of Malta 2008

          -             Recognition by the Government / Shiek Al Qassimi Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah Emirate in 2013

          -             Appointed HRH Dr Percy Tamayo as Ambassador to the United Nations  2015.












In 2012, Sultan Mohamad Hasan Pangrango of Indonesia sign a Succession Full Power of Attorney for the Family Gold, & precious metal asset and artefacts, to H.M. Arikinui Manukau, including a very large amount of USD currently in custodial safe keeping at the World Bank Washington D.C., and, currently under settlement with the United Nations, and the World Bank, led by Wha Atua Maori Government's Prime Minister H.R.H. Dr Percy Tamayo Espinoza. 


The gold and other precious metals currently held at UBS Switzerland, BIS, Credit Swiss, The Hague, Bank of England, World Bank, US Treasury, and, the foreign currencies will be employed by the Maori Central Bank of Aotearoa, (MCBA) for the development of His Majesty's Family projects and Indigenous Nation humanitarian projects. 


Prime Minister H.R.H. Dr Percy Tamayo Espinoza is currently signing a Treaty of Friendship with the NAAIP organisation for the 1st Nations of Native Americans, and, the Prime Minister is also negotiating a Treaty of Friendship with the Indigenous Nations of Mexico,  “Gubernatura Nacional Indígena de MEXICO”.


Maori Independence the Heart of Aotearoa

Historical Documents& Events

1835 Declaration of Independence
1835 NSW Gov of Australia Gazette
1840 Maori Tiriti o Waitangi
2008 Maori Gov / Knights of Malta Treaty
H.M. Arikinui signing several  Treaties
1996 Maori Gov / Vanuatu Gov/Chiefs
2013 Sheikh Al Qassimi UAE recognition
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